The US will remain the largest economy in next decade could be wrong, Fed having increasingly difficult time controlling QE & balance sheet to reaching their goal- inflation, US dollars rate...etc, economy could be continue mess rolling over in next decade, bipartisan political fighting.... we'll see...

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Yes I stopped reading after the article mentioned “Europe's core economic status will not be fundamentally shaken”

Era of cheap energy for European industries is gone for good. This is the fundamental reality.

I think the whole article is an attempt to imitate propaganda from western media.

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Completely agree with FFF and Thol C, although I would include that the 5 points brought up in the article is very rational and relevant. I was disappointed to see that the author saw Russia's reputation as taking a big hit and diminishing on the world stage. To echo Thol C, it makes me wonder which world stage the professor refers to. As can be seen by the increased connection between Russia, Africa and Asia, it hints that the professor regards the Global South as small regional players not worthy of mentioning. Putting aside the population impact they have, the economical impact they can have is noteworthy too.

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